About Dr. Fern
My hardworking migrant parents pushed me to ‘succeed’.
And the only way they knew how was to hustle and work ridiculously hard.
So, I did too. I graduated as a young dentist at 22 and hustle I did.
By 29, I climbed the medical ladder to be a dental boss lady.
And I worked 7 days endlessly, thinking that my worth was tied to my output.
I was now a business owner, boss lady, practice manager - with absolutely no real training in this except being a dentist.
Six months in, I had a major break down.
I was burned out with constant searing physical pain, financial stress, a relationship breakdown and debilitating anxiety attacks.
On the outside it looked like I had done my parent’s sacrifice proud.
But I had never been more unhappy and debilitated by stress.
However, my breakdown was also a true breakthrough: in hitting rock bottom I realised the most important investment I can make is in myself, even before my business.
It was the discovery of SELF-LOVE.
Which I always had confused with SELFISH.
And there I discovered a true thirst to growing myself first.
To change ME.
And when I changed, my world changed around me.
I found a way to work 2 days instead of 7 and still keep the same income.
To become an empowered leader and hire an amazing team.
As such I was able to create 2 thriving companies from ground up, focussed on success with more Yin.
My private dental clinic in Melbourne, where I practise as a business owner, not operator, and teach healing patients and leading teams with HEART using a deeply feminine approach.
The first global online training for Medicine Women (dentist, doctors, health practitioners) that helps them STOP STRESS and MAKE MORE of their lives - more wealth, joy and freedom.
Through my online mentoring programs, live events and mastermind retreat, hundreds of medicine women globally tap into their natural feminine super powers, opening their innate intuition and wisdom.
They receive the step by step ROADMAP on how to STOP STRESS to make more of their lives first - more wealth, joy, energy, freedom.
I believe, the world needs you to rise and step into your potential and power.
To live the life of your choosing, that YOU love, not one that was chosen for you.
To transform our medical system that needs more of your nurturing, caring FEM powers.
To help our patients transform and heal because you helped them believe this.
But you can’t serve others before filling Yourself.
Change you - reclaim you.
And watch your world change.
“When women come together, magic happens.”
— Dr. Fern